mercoledì 18 maggio 2011

Promises - Marie Sexton

Ecco, questo era uno dei romanzi d'oltreoceano di cui volevo parlarvi.
Non ho ancora preparato una recensione decente e vi chiedo scusa per il ritardo, ma visto che oggi, l'autrice, Marie Sexton, offre a tutti la possibilità di scaricare gratuitamente il suo primo libro (Promises, appunto) ho pensato di dovervi avvisare dell'opportunità.

Se vi piacciono i libri romantici, ve lo consiglio vivamente.
E' un libro semplice, ma i personaggi sono ben caratterizzati. Una lettura piacevole e coinvolgente sotto ogni aspetto.

Jared Thomas has lived his whole life in the small mountain town of Coda, Colorado. He can't imagine living anywhere else. Unfortunately, the only other gay man in town is twice his age and used to be his teacher, so Jared is resigned to spending his life alone.

Until Matt Richards walks into his life, that is. Matt has just been hired by the Coda Police Department, and he and Jared immediately become friends. Matt claims he is straight, but for Jared, having a sexy friend like Matt is way too tempting. Facing Matt’s affair with a local woman, his disapproving family, and harassment from Matt’s co-workers, Jared fears they'll never find a way to be together—if he can even convince Matt to try.



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